Friday Bouquet #12


Wendy L. Macdonald, the GreenLightLady, is a fellow Canadian blogger. We have been following each other for nearly two years, and during the entire month of November we were also each other’s writing buddies for National Novel Writing Month.

In her own words:

“I’m a writer, poet, and nature lover.
I also enjoy expressing myself through photography.
Creation has a lot to say.
My prose and poems are a small sampling of nature’s words.
I’m a Christian that loves reading the Bible
so you’ll find a few Scripture verses woven into this blog.”

In keeping with the festive season, last week she shared a Christmas post that is decidedly “blogger style”. Click on the link below and don’t forget to tell her Jennifer sent you.

The Twelve Days of Blogging

Comments are disabled in hopes you will comment on her blog.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!

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